Do you know what these four people had in common? They were all upstood for by Upstanders. What? UPSTANDER? Is that even a WORD? Why, yes, it is, you would be surprised that is indeed a word.
-Peter Feigl and Renee Kann Silver and her sister Edith Kann Roth, were all Jewish teens when they were stuck in the middle of the Shoah. The Upstanders for them was the little Village of Le-Chambon-sur-Lingon in France. Le-Chambon-sur-Lingon was a little Village that defied Nazi law in order to protect Jewish children. There, Peter, Renee and Edith were safely protected by the Villagers of Le-Chambon-sur-Lingon.
Susi Hilsenrath (Now Susan Warsinger) was also taken in by an agency. She was one of the thousands of children that were lucky enough to immigrate to the States in 1941, with help of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid (HIAS).If it were not for Le-Chambon-sur-Lingon and HIAS, who knows what could have happened to Peter, Renee, Edith or Susi? They could have been deported and never heard from again. But, it took Upstanders like Le-Chambon-sur-Lingon and HIAS to defy the Nazis and protect Jewish Children.
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